Saturday, January 7, 2017

Woke up this morning to them saying "no ones going to tell her " and laughing. I immediately asked what and they said there was a fight at mac alto prison and Markus Shirley died. I felt this sick feeling like my whole world would end right there. Like how could God have led me down this road only to take the man I love from me. So despite my sudden urge to vomit, I called mac alto prison and asked if they had lost any inmates due to a fight last night and they said no ma'am. The voices in my head which are he Oklahoma City police dept, proceeded to tell me that were evil! That's what you get for writing about us! They said someone called them in regards to my post and they were furious, I just want to get on record in case anything happens to my family while they are in jail out in Oklahoma. Their names are Markus Markee Shirley 235391 and Jermaine Keith Spencer one is in Mac Alto, Stringtown, OK min prison, the other in the worst hell of all Oklahoma County Jail. That is where they shit me twice with a pepper ball gun while naked after being beaten by them. Both the men I love where set up. It's funny, they both knew that the police were using me as a comedy snort of snuff horror film and they both still loved me and now look at them. Jermaine especially was set up. He was given free drugs, a free pass for arrests, and money to hang with me 24-7 while they set up little skits for their entertainment. I remember walking with Jermaine one time and he said you have to stop talking bad about the police. And this was when I was a mess trying to figure out why in the world these people would accost me 3 or 4 times a day or why I would have thoughts if him pushing my face into concrete, and be so scared but have the police come and laugh and threaten me? I couldn't for th life of me gather what was going on! Looking back I cannot believe I made it thru all I made it thru. Know they are saying stop writing and we'll give you money! I said send a check and we will talk. And I hear see she said send a check that's all she cares about! Hell yea that's what I care about! That fucking check is proof to my fucking family who thinks I'm fucking crazy now, my father who looks at his baby girl like Oklahoma was the worst thing he could have ever done not knowing or believing me when I tell him, dad I'm gonna tell the world my story. I'm going to make sure they don't make it exactly how they want it where they use this psychic energy to arrest us for a thought in our head before we even make the action! So from now on I'll write everyday until someone believes me or does something about this to help me!  But again I want to make it more than clear that this is all in file in case they do try to hurt the two people who mean the most to me! Markus Marquee Shirley and Jermaine Spencer. And Jermaine called me yesterday saying he couldn't get his asthma inhaler so I would like that given back first please. Thank you

...while I was making my coffee I was still upset about the whole Markus dying fiasco and I made my sentiments clear with them. It dawned on me that the people I am speaking to telepathically have a gift, either by science or all natural, to be able to communicate with one another in such a personal level. I explained to them that this gift is so special and I feel like the reason I am here is to show the world that we shouldn't be scared of such a precious ability. If on some level we can communicate to our loved ones and provide inspiration or help when needed, what a better world this would be. If only used to spread love and not hate. And I know in my heart that majority of them agree and believe that wholeheartedly. But when someone or something is different to us, or alien to us, we as people tend to get scared. We are creatures of habit and change is scary. I wanted to write this passage cause they did apologize. Whether it be scared of the consequences or they too are realizing how special they are. I hope we continue to have a better meeting of our minds, no pun intended and can find a way to make a beautiful existence for everyone. The defintion of a terrorist is anyone who believes in freedom and opposes the rule of the few over the many. How amassing would it be if we lived in a world where there was no few. No small group or person that felt left out or discrimated against cause of their status, race, ethnicity, or any other difference. I know we will get there or I will at least spend my life trying.

I was reading David Icke's work "Children of the Matrix" which speaks about the heirarchy within the 13 royal families and the bloodline of the reptilian race. He outlined a pyramid of power and greed that they have control over. He speaks of how they use labels and divide to keep us like mindless robots going about our normal life. Always trying to keep us keeping up with the Jones' and never fulfilling our God given right to tap into our innermost true self and set our mind free. Anyway, while looking at this pyramid of banks, corporations, drug companies, media, politics, etc. I thought of what the illuminati truly means. If you think of the word illuminate it means to brighten. If you turn that pyramid upside down you can picture a diamond. And, at least every woman knows, that when a diamond is set the bottom is not fully covered. It is set with prongs so that when light, especially sunlight hits it, it will shine. So to truly illuminate is to bring hope and brightness to an otherwise dull or bleak existence or situation. You can correlate this to your own life or to their pyramid of hate, power, and greed. If the top of the pyramid is closed or capped the light won't shine in. That's why I felt you think if a dollar bill, there is an opening at the top of the structure. It's a beautiful representation of the way money can be the root of all evil if you let it dictate your world. So next time you pick up a dollar and see that pyramid think of the wealth you were really meant to earn and give away. The free things in life like, love, kindness, respect, honor. That is the type of wealth  I want to accumulate. That is truly charity. It's a beautiful irony, a paradox of sorts. Invest in yourselves freely with love and the return you will get back is priceless!

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