I'm just going to jump right in and tell you all exactly what happened to me and what is wrong with the world we live in today. I was tortured by the rich 1% , essentially the U.S. government. The same people that control the oil, media, the pharmaceutical companies and that ones that want to also control the entertainment industry. They would say they are Evil reptilian aliens. I know this part sounds crazy but they did take over Oklahoma. It's no coincidence that an Oklahoma rehab in Cushing, OK just happened to pop up on my fathers Massachusetts browser. Cushing has the United States largest oil reserve and surplus. These people are the ones that flood the streets with drugs, hoping to spread addiction. They keep control of the media by keeping us divided with racism and hate. They are the ones who purposely spread disease with artificial junk and hormones in our food. They want us to stay divided because one, it's easier to control us when we are divided making us incapable of uniting for the greater good. Two, they also profit of our hate energy. I am going to explain it the best way I can. Everything that is living is made up of matter and energy. Energy can be used in many amazing ways. God created this world. At first start he created dinosaurs and prehistoric plants before there was actual human form. He did this on purpose so that when the planet was frozen those living things would be encompassed in our earths crust for us to gather energy from.
These people realize that they could tap into this energy by drilling for oil and that coupled with the energy we put out as their slaves, they are able to keep control of us and also remain in power. They make black holes with this energy. They are able do this because the only thing that travels faster than the speed of light is energy. They found a way to direct energy like the wind, and combined with energy they get from fossil fuels, oil, they can essentially create a worm hole or black hole which they then can use to rejuvenate or shape shift. They can also use this energy as a telepathic energy in order to read and enter our minds. It I started called psychic energy and when's people use it to enter your private head space and torment you it I say called psychic torture. It I started the worst form of torture known to man aside from physical abuse which they also put me thru. They are not from outer space. They are the wealthy who want to control the world. They want to make it so they can arrest you for a thought and not an action. They have used hate energy for so long that they have gone against the natural way of the world which is love and growth. Which is why they only use the reptilian part of their brains. It's the basic flight or flight section or the most primal part of the human brain. They are the epitome of a hypocrite! They basically acted like a drug addict by syphoning all our natural energy that God left for us, by drilling for oil, creating chaos and divide in the world so that we would run on anger, shame, guilt and hate. But they ae the ones who need are energy to keep going. Their hearts and are cold and they truly are evil and they plan in taking over. Oklahoma is no longer a free state under the United States. I even called 911 and the operator thing up in me! The police would approach me 3 or 4 times a day and threaten to take me to jail or the hospital.
What they did in Oklahoma was create a "pyramid" shape of mass of energy. And with this energy they can use it to get inside the minds of everyone. They also used a technology called Xavier which is a thought to text technology. They say it was originally created so that people with mental or physical impairments could express themselves via text. Just like talk to text. They have invaded every civil liberty under the sun. My mind is no longer my mind. The police can hear everything I say and I was tortured by them. It's a matter of frequencies and energy. I believe I can be heard thru cb radios. I only am given the information that I gather on my own so please if someone is more versed in this sort of science and or technology and mass infiltration of big brother on us could you please help me? Below is a list of how they tried to devastate me.
1. Everywhere I went they would laugh at me and they would know what I was thinking. I was tortured for simple observation. For example if I saw a larger woman or man, I heard in my head, you think she is ugly. How can you say she is ugly? Like a sarcasm to torture me with every thought I hadn't in my head.
2. I was arrested 8 times for being in public areas such as gas stations or at restaurants. They arrested me for trespassing. The police would always come around when I started realizing that if some how what I thought was true and they were using technology to torture
me, the name I would start saying everything I thought out loud and make sure I repeated what they said as well out loud almost like my own court reporter.
3. I was not welcome at any establishments. I was told to leave everywhere I frequented. But when I tried to leave the actual state they would make it impossible. For example I was told that greyhound bus lines was privately owned and I was threatened to be remove during by the police cause I did not have the ticket number for the ticket my dad purchase do for me online.
4. I would have imagines of my boyfriend smashing my head into the corner of a brick wall or of something horrible physical happen to me. My fear alone would make my heart speed up to inhuman levels. I would nevertheless normally think he's entitled thoughts on my own and when I would try to get help or ask for a phone to call home, everyone would threaten to call the police and they would say our phone doesn't dial out but we can call the police on you.
5. The police would tell me I was high which I was not and they would bring me to the hospital and they would strap me down to the bed with extreme force and they would all poke me with a large syringe trying to insert an if which was not needed in any way. If they believed I was under the influence of just drugs why would they need to take blood? One time they took me to the hospital three tims in one week. Why not just take me to their drunk "tank" or jail? Why take me to the hospital and "torture" me? They also would put something on my genital area and they would say telepathically that they were making sure I couldn't have kids. I would be so scared that I would beg them to just let me go home to Massachusetts or to just kill me and all they would do is laugh. When I couldn't take the torture anymore and I would fight, they would knock me out with some sort of medication. When I would awake I would feel weird in my genital area.
6. I was beaten in custody and held for three days with no water in my cell. I had to drink out of the toilet. They also arrested me once and held me for 8 days on a non jailable offense! On a ticket! The last time they shot me with a laser pepper spray gun twice. I was naked in my cell and I was huddled in the corner begging for the money to just not hurt me and two male guards were at the door ready to shut it when I was hit twice with a gun that burnt so bad I felt like I was in hell.
7. My body was rotting. I had ants entering thru my toes that looked like they were decaying.
All of this is extremely real an scary. If you know anything about science, are a human rights lawyer, or understand how our government is really trying to do this to us, could you please help me! You can see by just how many times they would run my name daily that they tortured me. You can ask for arrest records, dash cams, hospital and jail footage, and possibly satellite cameras. I cannot do this on my own. I need some help. The only solace I have had is that throughout my struggle I found God thru music. And the music of Kevin Gates explains my journey thru hell. I have composed a paper of how Kevin's Gates music directly related to my life in OKC. It's written as a letter to my best friend Jermaine. Please read and direct any question so or comments to me.
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